stop apologising

Always Apologising For What You Want? Read This

Quick question: Ever felt like you had to apologise for what you want? Ever felt like your desires just weren’t ‘cool enough’ or ‘big enough’ (or ‘too big’), or that you should feel ‘lucky for what you already have’, and it’s greedy or not OK or selfish or ridiculous to want more? I have. I […]

mindfulness meditation card

5 Ways, 5 Minutes: How To Get Benefits From Meditation

This blogpost was originally published on The Huffington Post If you’re anything like me, one of your most-uttered phrases is, “WTF did the time go?!” They say that those of us who are always running late or on deadline are more creative and optimistic than our punctual friends. And, yep, I’d be happy to simply […]

Miesha Moriniere / CC0 License / Pexels

Always Writing Down Your ‘Goals’? Here’s 5 Reasons To CHILL

You can’t go far in the coaching and self-help world without falling over someone telling you that you must “define your goals”. It’s one of the golden rules of getting what you want: defining your dreams on paper, repeating them over and over, and turning them into your reality. After all, the logic goes, we […]